Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We had some fun with the camera on Sunday. We tried to get some shots for our Xmas cards - it is no easy feat to get six children and the mom and dad all in and looking at the camera let alone looking good! These are just some for fun ones - notice Davin and Kellen did not stick around because they do not think it is fun!!!


  1. Its like looking at you and Brad again with your 2 girls! Total mini-me's of you 2. So cute!!!

  2. yayyyyy now we can blog stalk each other!

  3. Oh, it's sooo fun trying to get that Christmas pic! Ha! We are trying for it on Tuesday. Going to be iffy. I do love all your photos though. Kellen and Brody look especially adorable below. And those girls' arms - oh my goodness!! Beautiful. They won't know how amazing that looks until they're 30 -- right??
