A Week in Photos
"Brad finding a perfect scripture"
Lots of stuff going on around here always. Josie had her first band concert. She looked beautiful, and I am sure she sounded good, but because there were about 5000 people there, we couldn't see or hear her! Her soccer team is in 2nd - Perry's too. Perry made the first cuts of soccer tryouts at her high school. There were 50 girls there not counting returning players!!! Davin took the psat - we'll see how he does soon. He is not with the homecoming princess anymore and has his sights on a cute girl from across town, "just having fun". Basketball starts tomorrow for school - we are so excited!!!! Kellen said Mom yesterday clear as day, but he won't say it again. Brody was the king of reverent on Sunday proudly wearing his crown home from church. He is also getting ready for his Thanksgiving show. Emmie is my buddy. What will I do when she doesn't want to go everywhere with me? She sweetly sobbed the other day because I left the "little" kids with Davin, "Why do you always leave me with all of the boys? I don't want to be with the boys!" What are the chances she will still be singing the same song in another 7 years?
Brad ditched us again - he missed the snow and heard there was going to be some in Utah. Not really. He just got Salt Lake Public Schools for one of his clients. So when he was in Brazil I wanted to make a top ten reasons I miss Brad list, but I didn't have the time. So here it is
1. No one to put the dog in at night.
2. I seriously can't find any of the shows we watch!
3. How the heck am I supposed to get all the kids to their practices?
4. Nobody to eat my dinner meal without complaining. Can't believe you will even gag down the butternut squash!
5. Nobody here to find just the right scripture.
6. Wow, an entire week without anyone criticizing the way I load the dishwasher.
7. Who is going to help me with my computer projects?
8. I have to make the lunches and the bed everyday?
9. You say things like, "Missing you already, love you!" even when I am a miserable partner a lot of the time!
10. My kiss goodnight
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