Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Let me begin with an update. Davin is healing beautifully. He will begin physical therapy next week and is able to put 20 lbs of weight on his leg. He has kept an amazing positive attitude throughout, definitely beyond what I thought he was capable of. It is painful for him to sit on the end of the basketball bench taking stats while he should be out on the court sinking baskets and pulling down rebounds. Kellen is a champ. He is mellow - smiling at any of his 5 siblings as they rush by, willing to go from swing to bouncy seat to car seat, only fussing when he is tired or hungry. My days are busy and at times I ache to sit on the couch and nuzzle him - I try. Brody is my sweet busy boy. He has moved right into potty words and talking back, all things need to be his decision (mentally exhausting for the mother), but with this is a natural thoughtfulness and kindness that was only taught to some of my other children. Perry is my friend now. Don't get me wrong, I still am the parent, but really I enjoy being with her as much as anybody. She is much older than me in spirit years - I knew this when she was born, and as time has passed, this has become ever more apparent. Josie is amazing with Brody and Kellen. She turned 11 which means I have a 3rd sitter in the house :)! Emmie still tells me she wants to snuggle with me. This just has to be a good sign. She is so tired these days - first grade has done this to all of my kids. She is excited that Ms. Chareese is going to include her in the talent show this year.
Now I just have to share how much I hate (strong word) feeling week. Sparing the finer details, these lasts 2 months have kicked my butt (strong word)!!!!! So yesterday I opened the January Ensign (church magazine) for the first time. Here are a couple of headlines and quotes that jumped out at me. "Hold on a Little Longer", "Wading Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death" "How We Learned About Happiness" "Look ahead and remember that faith is always pointed toward the future." "To appreciate the summit, one must experience the valleys." You get the picture. O.K. I get it.


  1. I have to say this is probably my favorite post of yours. I love your honesty and all the coming and goings in the Guinn house. We love you!! Hang in there. My favorite quote to add to your others is "It will all be OK in the end. If it's not OK then it's not the end!"

  2. Love all the quotes; The Ensign and Rebecca's. Love the post and just love that picture of Kellen looking over the couch. Where has the time gone?
    Haley, it has been a crazy month for you and you have braved it well. I do love when the Ensign comes. Some months it just seems to be speak to my heart and replenish what has been depleted.
