Sunday, January 24, 2010

I just finished this novel. I really like to read, and this was so interesting. I took 5 upper level English classes my last semester of college. I almost cried on the way home from buying my books that semester. I am sure I had a stack of 25 novels to sit on my desk. It was as though I would never have the desire to read for pleasure again. I now have only a rare moment to fit this pleasure in - 20 minutes here or there nursing the baby - in the car waiting for a game to begin or child to come running out. If you have those same kind of moments, this novel would be worth it!


  1. This book has been on my "to read" shelf for months now. Everyone gives it 5 stars. In an ideal world I would actually have time to read! I guess 20 minutes here and there it what we can do now.

  2. Haley - don't worry too much about your BFS. After I had the boys, I suffered some really awful things. I thought, at one time, that I might have MS. I mean, some truly strange stuff. I did a lot of research and found that the shift in hormones after delivery, coupled with the low amount of hormones while breastfeeding, can be hard on some women. Apparently, my body doesn't like not having its hormones balanced - for me, it's like being in menopause. Wait at least 6 months after you're done BF'ing and see if your symptoms improve. Good luck!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I need another good book to read!!

  4. How funny that I am going through the experience of bringing home all those "non for pleasure reading" books now with my four kids! ha ha but I love to get other people's favorite books. I'll put it on my list for summer. I'm so close to finishing my English 291 class, one final and it's done! ... of course then I have 9 more classes to go. oh well! :)
