Friday, October 1, 2010

Perry had her first choir concert this week. It was beautiful - you were beautiful! You seemed a bit nervous, but you did a great job. Thanks to Nana and Grampy Bear for making the drive out to support the evening.

Here is what Kellen has been "up" to lately!

Kellen, you just think you are big. It is a mistake for you to think this because you are going to get hurt. You are not even one yet, and I keep trying to tell you "no climbing!" You scared me really bad when I looked out the window to the play set and saw you peering out through the open side of the fort which you had climbed up the 5 rung ladder to get to! Crazy fearless boy!


  1. What happened to your NEWBORN??? He is just darling and reminds me of LUke climbing up to get candy or cookies at 11 months old. And he is our biggest crazy daredevil.
    I love love love seeing all your kids. THey couldnt be more beautiful! you and brad need to go on and have a dozen with how cute they are. And it is sweet to read how much you love them!
    You look the SAME after all these years, which is no surprise. What is your secret?? I run and still weigh the same as after Luke was born. WAHH!! Lost 10 pounds last winter and put it back on when I stopped totally dieting.
    Why is brad in Brazil? Let me know what else is going on with you. Did I tell you how much I appreciated your letter to me?? I was so touched and MEANT to thank you for it?? I am going senile so I am sure I forgot and had good intentions.
    I love you Haley girl and hope all is well. You have a legacy of love here with your brood. Love them all up and enjoy the baby stage while you can...and if you are still nursing...keep it up til he is at least 3 or 4! :):) goes too fast.

  2. going to add you to my bloglist right now so I can keep up with your madness! :)
    miss you!! come back east to do a ny trip someday or an island trip in the summer!
