So Brad has been gone during the week for 3 months now. I have done a lot of scripture reading and early bedtime to have the energy to run a family with 6 busy children using patience and love. I have definitely not been perfect darn it - I got the time wrong for a couple of practices and raised my voice from time to time especially during the dinner bedtime hours. (I cried twice which is a lot for me!) There were several nights when we had soup or ugh frozen food like taquitos, but we had dinner together every night even if it was at 4:45 on Wednesdays for 15 minutes between 3 children's practices. The food and practice schedules aren't even the half of it. Add homework, projects, church activities, supplies (always requested the day before they are needed), cleaning, shopping, emotional support for older children, doctor appts., classroom help, workouts, Halloween costumes, park days for little ones... and you get the picture. I am so happy that tomorrow is the last day. The thing is that I had help. Guinn kids have been amazing. They know we are a team thank goodness. My parents have come out to stay with little ones while I had doctor appts., and my Mom "forced" me to go on a wonderful weekend getaway while my Dad manned the home front. The scriptures helped me the most. Mosiah 24:14 -15, "And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs ... the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord." See I realize that what I am doing with my life right now is good works and Alma says to his son Heleman in Alma 37:34, "never be weary of good works, be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls."
Josie has her first cross country meet.
Kellen is two!!!!!