Friday, November 27, 2009

I have to thank Brad for producing a perfect Thanksgiving turkey. I am one sleep deprived lady that was considering a meal out for Thanksgiving, but the troops came in and took over. Thanks to Nana for all the fixings and Grampy bear for clean up duty. The kids all pitched in too. Now on to Christmas. I have tried to tell Kellen that he needs to sleep at least 4 hours at a time, but he just isn't listening!
A favorite scripture that guided us through this Thanksgiving week...
Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his own hands and prepared for you; and ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours. And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more. Doctrine and Covenants 78:17-19

I just can't believe that my "little" boy is growing up. He didn't know what he was getting himself into when he agreed to learn those songs and to put that costume on. I wasn't sure if he was going to go for the whole thing, but by the 3rd song he wasn't afraid of the 50 pairs of eyes staring at him. He actually did all the hand motions and even had a grin at times. It just doesn't seem right that he is big enough to do what his big brother and sisters have done before him.

The anual Thanksgiving turkey trot at Warm Springs middle School was a success for the Guinn family. Miss Josie Kate came through for us and brought home the turkey. Thanks a bunch Josie Kate.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Josie wanted to make sure everyone knew that this was Kellen's first smile, and it was at her. He is getting bigger and more alert. Thank goodness he isn't too fussy. He just likes to eat every hour to two hours in the evening. This presents a challenge for the mama trying to tend to five other children's needs!